Outsource Your Security Headaches
Managed security services are supposed to be a force multiplier for your security program. Unfortunately, the handoff of an alert or incident from a Managed Security Service Provider often leaves something to be desired.
Managed Security Service Providers typically do not have access to your environment. Their ability to triage an alert is often limited by this fact and results in escalations that are based on an educated guess. This also means that they send your logs to their environment, which is a problem if you’re dealing with FedRamp. Worse yet, the people in your organization who receive MSSP escalations may not have the training or the access that they need to properly investigate an alert and make a determination as to whether the alert represents a serious risk to the business. And then there’s the cost and difficulty in hiring an internal security team.
Exposure’s VirtualSOC™ service is different. We provide trusted, world-class security experts who can bridge the gap. We work with your SIEM and security tools in your environment. With access to your environment, we can configure your SIEM with custom content, quickly triage alerts, conduct response activities and facilitate incident management. We can even proactively hunt for signs of compromise.